Senior IT Product Owner (BIG)

HERZUM Milano (MI)
Remote working: Totale
Tipo di Offerta:Full time
Tipo Contratto: Determinato,
Esperienza: da 4 a 12 anni
Categoria: ICT Project Manager
Titolo di Studio: Non richiesta

Who We Are

We are much more than just an IT consulting company: we are innovators, pioneers, and excellence partners. As one of the largest Atlassian partners in the world, we lead organizations into the future with cutting-edge technological solutions. Founded in Chicago in 2000, we now operate in Italy, the United States, India, Switzerland, Ecuador, and the United Kingdom, with the ambition to continue expanding. We specialize in Agile, DevOps, and team collaboration technologies, offering strategic consulting and tailored solutions for SMEs and large enterprises. Every project we undertake is an opportunity to innovate and redefine industry standards.

The Role

Herzum is seeking a Senior IT Product Owner to join our team and support one of our Clients in the finance sector.

Mandatory skills:

  • Proven experience as an IT Project Manager or Delivery Manager, managing both infrastructure and application projects in complex environments.
  • Strong functional background in IT systems, including infrastructure and application development/maintenance.
  • Experience in Agile/DevOps project delivery and familiarity with associated tools and methodologies.
  • Exceptional stakeholder management skills, with the ability to navigate cross-functional teams and decentralized processes.
  • Highly proactive and results-driven, with the ability to work independently in challenging environments.
  • Proficiency in English (≥ B2 level).

Location: mainly remote with possible spot-on site presence in Milan.

Join Us! Become part of a team driven by innovation, belief in talent, and a commitment to excellence. Your next career step starts here.

This announcement is addressed to both sexes, in accordance with Laws 903/77 and 125/91, and to people of all ages and nationalities, in accordance with Legislative Decrees 215/03 and 216/03.


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