Profilo aziendale di Serioplast Global Services

We are a Company focused on the production of rigid plastic packaging for the major players of the FMCG industry in the home care, personal care, food & beverage and automotive markets. We have 34 factories in 14 Countries and we are 1800 employees.

We don’t only make bottles, we also design and engineer our own machines (SERIOMAC) and our own molds (SERIOMOULD) Furthermore, we operate as contract manufacturer (WELL). At last we have two recycling facilities (CENTROPLASTICA).

In all we do our industrial processes and organization are flexible, scalable and easily replicable.
We commit to doing more with less: providing the best possible quality at the lowest possible price. Keep it simple.
We study our industrial processes, organizational structures and machinery to ensure they are smart, modular, and easily replicated.
Plug-in the plant. Play. Shortening the time from greenfield to production is our daily challenge.
Flexible processes to create rigid plastics. Everywhere.
We have the courage to invest in innovative projects and solutions: custom made, wherever the client needs us.
We only love one color. Green.
We constantly optimize the use of materials, of energy, of transport, of time and we commit to transform waste into resource towards a new circular economy.
Serioplast Global Services
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