Profilo aziendale di Cannon Group

Cannon is an international Group supplying worldwide a wide range of industries with dedicated industrial solutions.

Founded in the early 1960’s to manufacture dispensing machines for Polyurethane foams, Cannon has soon reached – and maintained – the leading position in its market and extended its field of activities to other fast-growing sectors of the industry.

Diversifying into synergistic fields – within and outside the plastics processing technologies – Cannon offers today a wide series of products and services to the industrial manufacturers: in addition to a complete range of plants and machines for continuous and discontinuous processing of polyurethanes and other polymers obtained by chemical reaction (manufactured in Europe, USA, China and Japan) the Group supplies equipment for thermoforming, composite materials, aluminium die-casting, industrial electronic controls, industrial boilers, thermal fluid heaters, water treatment plants and solutions for the protection of the environment.

Cannon’s presence in the world is made by local agencies, branches and manufacturing centers. The mission of our network is to provide dedicated products speaking the client’s language.

Cannon accepts the challenge launched by Industry 4.0, doing it through innovative projects, whose main aim is the transformation of production into something really flexible and adaptable to different market demands.

Smart products must be manufactured with smart machines and plants, and their soul must be a software with innovative features, able to interface with a real network made of men, machines and data. Cannon therefore focuses on machinery innovation, pivoting on remote monitoring, predicting maintenance and on integration with the rest of the factory.
Cannon Group

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