Logo Proxima Group

WiFi QA Engineer

Proxima Group Milano (MI)
Remote working: Parziale
Tipo di Offerta:Full time
Tipo Contratto: Indeterminato,
Da definire
Esperienza: da 5 a 30 anni
Categoria: ICT Consultant
Titolo di Studio: Diploma o Laurea in discipline Tecnico Scientifiche

Proxima is a group of companies with innovative functional and technological skills, which share their experience in a joint offer of solution development within our Software Factory.
We offer consulting, application management and quality assurance services.

Who are we looking for?

WiFi QA Engineer (5 years of experience)

Where and how?
Milan - Hybrid work

Excellent communication skills in English and Italian
You are a WiFi QA Engineer, responsible for integration and performance testing of deployed WiFi Gateways, extenders, home security devices and various other managed wifi clients
Working experience with TCP, IP, UDP, IPv4, IPv6 addressing, Ethernet, DHCP, DNS, ICMP, ARP, NAT, Bridging, Switching
Familiarity with industry standard WiFi test tools like Veriwave, IXIA Chariot and packet debuggers like Wireshark, Omnipeek and Savius
Knowledge of appropriate development methodologies, system integration and testing practices (e.g. mobile apps, test tools)
Experience in Test Environment and Lab setup
Involved in integration analysis, defect triage and debugging, defect management, reporting etc

Mandatory Skills
Wifi testing, networking protocols, good handle on Java or Python

You are the ideal candidate if…
• If you are a proactive person
• If you are a person with strong motivation

What do we offer?
MEAL VOUCHERS (also in full remote mode)

Our benefits
We have a complex skills assessment and performance measurement system that allows employees to grow with us.
We offer training and professional refresher courses with a technical/practical focus on ICT topics. Each technological family has one or more reference ICT trainers, who, working with the HR area, evaluates and proposes continuous training courses customized to the professional growth of each employee.
We have established agreements with platforms to reserve exclusive discounts and promotions for our employees.

Il presente annuncio è rivolto a entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91, e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03


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