System engineer

Remote working: Parziale
Tipo di Offerta:Full time
Tipo Contratto: Indeterminato
Esperienza: Non richiesta
Categoria: Systems Administrator
Titolo di Studio: Non richiesta

Pubblicato 30-09-2024

Enabling What’s Next

Who We Are

Born in 2004 as Techedge, we have almost 20 years of expertise that enabled us to become what we are today: Avvale!
This path led us to be able to count on over 3,000 employees, present in 11 countries around the world.

What We Do
We help public and private companies to re-design their business models through the development of innovative and sustainable solutions, which have a positive impact not only on our customers but also on the world we live in!

How we do
Through circular economy models, made possible thanks to technological innovation.

Role and responsibilities

We are looking for a System Engineer to join our Data Intelligence team in Milan, Cagliari and Turin.

As a System Engineer you will be responsible for the administration and management of on-premise virtual environments on VMware or nutanix, as well as the management of the virtualization, on-premise environments, and troubleshooting the environments used by the customer.

Required Skills:
- Minumum of 2 years’ experience relevant work experience as a System Engineer;
- Consolidated knowledge of VMware, nice to have: nutanix;
- Experience with on premise infrastructures;
- Adept at dealing with customers to manage requirements, planning and delivery;
- Bachelor or higher degree in a relevant field, with a preference for Computer science, Information engineering, Physics, Mathematics;
- Good written and verbal communication;
- Good English level, both written and spoken.

Come with us
We offer you the opportunity to grow in a young and dynamic team where you can take care of your work-life balance, thanks to our smart working policies and develop your professional career in a meritocratic context!
You will have the opportunity to work and get in touch with international players who will allow you to increase your know-how with a view to future challenges!

We do not consider applications without CV.

This announcement is aimed at candidates of both sexes (L. 903/77).


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