IT Junior Consultant

Remote working: Parziale
Tipo di Offerta:Full time
Tipo Contratto: Indeterminato
Esperienza: Non richiesta
Categoria: ICT Consultant
Titolo di Studio: Neo laureato magistrale o triennale in Informatica, Ingegneria Informatica, Ingegneria Gestionale

Enabling What’s Next

Who We Are?
Born in 2004 as Techedge, we have almost 20 years of expertise that enabled us to become what we are today: Avvale!
This path led us to be able to count on over 3,000 employees, present in 11 countries around the world.
What We Do?
We help public and private companies to re-design their business models through the development of innovative and sustainable solutions, which have a positive impact not only on our customers but also on the world we live in!

How we do?
Through circular economy models, made possible thanks to technological innovation.

We recruit graduates to join as IT Consultant. What does a Consultant do? You'll be assigned to a team working on a client issue. You'll never be alone: you'll learn on the job thanks to Pair Programming, to our Inside Tracks and to the team's daily Meetings. You'll slowly become an expert on a range of components, products and processes. You'll work on a variety of industries; hence, you'll understand how business processes work, what clients need and how we keep them happy. By the end of your tenure as Consultant you'll have decided whether you are more inclined to be a technology Guru or a hybrid business and IT consultant. It will be up to you.

Interested? To apply you must:

Possess analytical and logical thinking
Be happy to work in a team
Possess good communication skills
Be fluent in or native Italian
Have working knowledge of English
Be passionate about technologies

Location: Rome, Milan, Turin


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