Logo SGB Humangest Holding

.NET Developer

SGB Humangest Holding Treviso (TV)
Remote working: Parziale
Tipo di Offerta:Full time
Tipo Contratto: Indeterminato
Esperienza: da 3 a 10 anni
Categoria: Developer
Titolo di Studio: Non richiesta

Pubblicato 06-03-2025

SGB Holding ICT Division, Head Hunting Company focused on Innovation Technology & Digitalization, is looking for a brilliant .NET Developer who will join the Team of an important Software House that manages Industrial Systems, mainly for the tobacco sector.

Job Description

.NET developer is responsible for the development of the software or parts of the proprietary software, the installation of the software on the customer's sites and devices and the subsequent remote support.

Applying the Scrum methodology, together with the development team, the software developer is responsible for:
-Develop the software for the assigned project/parts of it, ensuring the best application solutions, in compliance with the defined architecture and the customer's requirements;
-Working with the Scrum Team for the realisation of the Sprint Goal;
-Perform simulation, testing and debugging activities in order to guarantee the product functionalities required by the customer
-Install the software at the customer's sites, guaranteeing compliance with installation schedules and expected functionality;
-Coordinate software optimisation activities during installation, maintenance and support;
-Editing pre-development functional documentation

Technical skills:

-Tools: Visual Studio, SQL Server, Microsoft DevOps
-Programming languages such as: C#, Microsoft SQL
-Technologies used: .NET Entity Framework (with Code First option), RESTful Web Service (JSON)


- Availability for travel (trips for a max 1 months per year)
- Good knowledge of Italian And English, spoken and written. Excellent technical english
- Preferable previous experience in Scrum product development teams
- Strong goal orientation and adaptability
- Good communication and interpersonal skills with both customers and colleagues
- Excellent analytical, accuracy and problem solving skills
- Passion for new technologies and aptitude for learning
- Possibility of working in a hybrid mode

We Offer:

- Salary commensurate with the experience
- To be part of a cool and ambitious company
- Young and innovative team
- Smart working (1-2 days per week)

Location: Paese (TV)

A propensity for professional growth in a smart, friendly and strongly international environment completes the candidate's profile.

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I dati saranno trattati ai sensi degli artt. 13 e 14 Reg. UE 2016/679

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