Home Webinar - Techjobsday2021 Webinar-How to Handle Distributed Transactions in a Modern Microservice Architecture-Techjobsday2021

Webinar-How to Handle Distributed Transactions in a Modern Microservice Architecture-Techjobsday2021

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How-to Handle Distributed Transactions in a Modern Microservice Architecture – Arηs

It has always been a requirement for most computer systems to update the state in a consistent and atomic way, either all data changes are applied or in case of failure nothing at all. While this can achieved easily in a holistic (or single) application by using transactions, it becomes a problem in Microservice architectures, which are by definition a distributed system. How can we ensure that a request involving multiple Microservices updates the system state in a consistent way?

Relatore del webinar: Thiemo Morth
Webinar in lingua inglese.

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