MLOps Engineer Middle (BIFR)

HERZUM Milano (MI)
Remote working: Totale
Tipo di Offerta:Full time
Tipo Contratto: Indeterminato,
Esperienza: Non richiesta
Categoria: Data Scientist
Titolo di Studio: Non richiesta

Pubblicato 04-03-2024

We are looking for a MLOps Engineer for one of our clients.

We are seeking a Machine Learning Engineer with experience in deep learning and handling unstructured data. The ideal candidate should also have a good understanding of Software Engineering and a basic background in MLOPS and Jenkins.

Other information:

• Language: Italian
• Position: Remote, Full-time


• Design, develop, and implement machine learning models to solve business problems.
• Collaborate with the software development team to integrate models into existing systems.
• Optimize and enhance model performance.
• Participate in designing and implementing MLOPS solutions.
• Monitor and manage models in production.


• At least 2-3 years of experience in the field of machine learning.
• In-depth knowledge of deep learning and the ability to apply it to real-world problems.
• Experience with unstructured data and working with complex datasets.
• Familiarity with Jenkins and MLOPS concepts.
• Programming skills in Python or other common programming languages.
• Ability to work independently and remotely.


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