Data Scientist (Hybrid-PDFR)

Remote working: Parziale
Tipo di Offerta:Full time
Tipo Contratto: Determinato,
Esperienza: Non richiesta
Categoria: Data Scientist
Titolo di Studio: Non richiesta

Pubblicato 09-07-2024

For one of our Partner, we are looking for a Data Scientist _ Machine Learning.

The service requested consists of Predictive Maintenance Activities.

Minimum 3 years of experience.

Location: smart working + onsite in Rome.


Italian Speaker.
Use of statistical methodologies for validation of the Machine Learning algorithms already developed by Telematics team.
Development of new Machine Learning algorithms, when they are not already available or available algorithms require a strong improvement.
Calibration and fine tuning of algorithm thresholds corresponding to incipient engine breakdowns.
Development of algorithms identifying the specific component where a breakdown has occurred.
Development of methods for effective visualization of both signal data sent by vehicles and outputs of the Machine Learning algorithms.
Proactive and effective communication with engine component experts from other company departments, in order to collect their feedbacks and implement them in the fine tuning and improvement of the Machine Learning algorith.

"Il presente annuncio è rivolto a entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91, e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03."


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