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Software Engineer Sailpoint Identity IQ

Remote working: Parziale
Tipo di Offerta:Full time
Tipo Contratto: Lavoro occasionale,
TFG: Da €700 A €800
Esperienza: da 4 a 20 anni
Categoria: Software Analyst
Titolo di Studio: laurea magistrale

Pubblicato 27-08-2024

For our client we are looking for a Software Engineer Sailpoint Identity IQ


-Develop and operate the company-wide authorization solution based on Sailpoint IQ

-Conception, business analysis and responsibility for the implementation of Sailpoint solutions

-Actively contribute to the agile, self-organized DevOps team

-Responsible for the implementation of IIQ solutions and their artifacts

-Active design of the IAM solution architecture in the B2E channel and its implementation

-Willingness to consider employment towards the end of the project period


-Higher education in (business) computer science (university, ETH, FH)

-Strong customer orientation and high quality standards

-Several years of experience in Sailpoint solution development (E2E)

-Mindset in IAM, IT security and agileProfound experience of various technologies in software development and cloud-related (e.g. Azure, Ansible, Angular, Openshift)

-Excellent knowledge of spoken and written German

Start: 9/09/2024

End: 31/12/2024

Daily rate: 800 CHF/d

Location: Winterthur, 2 days per week on site

Application from outside CH: The candidate must have an EU passport, Schengen state, can also be a second nationality, (nationality outside the Schengen area with work permit DE, AT etc.… is not possible)


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