Logo Dreaming Lab

IoT Solutions Architect for Smart Grids

Dreaming Lab Roma (RM)
Remote working: Totale
Tipo di Offerta:Full time
Tipo Contratto: Determinato,
Lavoro occasionale,
TFG: Da €220 A €270
Esperienza: da 4 a 30 anni
Categoria: Developer
Titolo di Studio: Laurea

IoT Solutions Architect for Smart Grids

Position Overview:
-Experience in IoT solutions, specifically in the context of smart grids.
-Proven experience as a Fullstack or Backend Developer.
-Designing and implementing event-driven architectures tailored for industrial applications, ensuring scalability and reliability.
-Experience in managing clients, suppliers, and cross-functional teams effectively.
-Collaborating with cross-functional teams to define platform requirements and deliver high-quality solutions that meet industry standards.
-Ability to stay updated with emerging technologies and industry trends in IoT and smart grids.
-4+ years of proven experience as a Fullstack or Backend Developer.
-1+ years of proven experience as a Solution Architect.
-Strong command of English, both written and verbal.
-Deep understanding of event-driven architectures and their application in IoT solutions.
-Familiarity with containerization technologies (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes).
-Proficient in using GitHub for version control and implementing branching strategies.
-Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to work effectively in a team-oriented environment.
-Familiarity with smart grid technologies and industry practices is a plus.
-Experience with cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) is advantageous.
-Strong communication skills to liaise with technical and non-technical stakeholders.


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